Monday, March 12, 2012

Fresh, Organic Herbs from Arizona Are Here!

Over the next few months, we will be selling fresh, organic herbs from Yuma. Many chefs prefer the taste of fresh herbs and feel that it also adds a flavorful twist to salads.

Take care in storing your fresh herbs.  They should be cleaned (ends clipped and dead leaves removed), and stored in a perforated plastic bag in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator, except basil.  Fresh basil should be cleaned and stored in a jar of water, uncovered, on your kitchen counter.  Refrigerated basil turns black and loose their flavor.  Remember, the longer you store fresh herbs, the more flavor they loose.

It is suggested to use 3 times as much fresh herbs as you would dried herbs. However, you'll be more successful substituting fresh herbs for dried herbs instead of dried herbs for fresh.

To preserve flavor, add fresh herbs about the last 20 minutes of cooking. Add the more delicate herbs — basil, chives, cilantro, dill leaves, parsley, marjoram and mint — a minute or two before the end of cooking or sprinkle them on the food before it’s served.  Cold foods may have fresh herbs added several hours before serving.  It is suggested to have the cold foods chilled for a couple of hours to allow the flavors to blend.

What are you waiting for, try some today and 'lett'uce' know what you think!

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