Monday, March 9, 2009

Organic Produce and Donating to Worthy Causes

In the age of organics some of my followers ask, "How does produce that is grown organically compare to the produce that we grew up eating?" The answer is...organically grown produce taste better because it is better. There is no loss of flavor, the color is not unusual, and the texture is the same. What's different is that you know you are doing something that is good for you. It's like taking that walk after dinner with a loved one, you feel better because you know that you've done something that is good for both of you. If you don't believe me about there being no difference in taste, just watch Hammy the Hamster...

I was asked a question this weekend by Helen's mother, "What does Peddler's Son Produce do when they can't sell some of the produce? What happens then?" The answer is that we donate any produce that is usable. We have a relationship with St. Mary's Food Bank, Phoenix Dream Center, and the West Valley Children's Crisis Center. Peddler's Son Produce uses many different techniques to control product waste but sometimes we have product that is no longer at its peak in quality. Between Ted and myself we also decide when a product is no longer at a quality that can be sold to our customers. At that time we decide which organization would benefit the most from our donation. If you are involved with a Non-Profit Organization and would like to become part of our donation list, please contact Peddler's Son Produce at 602.253.3577. You can ask for me, Bridge aka the Produce Guru.

1 comment:

  1. Another great post by the Produce Guru!

    Only you would find out how to tie in a hamster with produce!
