We here at Peddler's Son work on a fiscal calendar. So, that means June 30th marked the end of 2009. There was much to be thankful for over the past year, so we decided to get together at The Duce and I have some pictures to prove it.

The night crew has done a lot to improve efficiencies and quality control. They got a huge round of applause from Ted and the team.

One special award went for our initial inductee to our 'Peddler's Son Produce Hall of Fame'. Teddy Sardina was the recipient of this award. We thanked him for his many years of dedicated service and most of all, his love and friendship.

This also provided the team a chance to say thanks to Joe and Ted for the great work environment and family atmosphere that we have here. A plaque signed by all of the Peddler's Son Produce team was given to Ted and Joe thanking them for all that they do for us.
We'd also like to take this time to thank our customers. Of course, we wouldn't be here without you!
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