"Heirloom tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes. What'd life be without heirloom tomatoes!"
OK, not exactly what John Denver sang in his song about homegrown tomatoes, but these are as close to home as we can get them. Grown right here in Chandler, AZ, we have some delicious heirloom tomatoes from Rhiba Farms.
We're also excited about another local farm in Florence, AZ. Currently, we've got some green and yellow baby patty pan squash, baby tri-color carrots and baby zucchini. Tomorrow we're touring the farm to see how things look in the field as well as a tour of the greenhouses. I'll be posting pictures so check back and see what's growing.
Peacock watermelons will be coming soon. I'm looking forward to getting these in because I've heard they're the sweetest, juiciest tasting watermelons you'll ever have. How perfect for your Forth of July weekend!

We've even got some great prices for these and a limited supply so call us soon!
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