Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Green, it's not just for St Patrick's Day

As the citrus buyer at Peddler's Son, I'm often asked why fully ripe Valencia oranges sometimes appear green.

Sunkist Valencia oranges go through a natural process of 're-greening' as they ripen on the tree. This is due to chlorophyll returning to the peel. These oranges may actually be sweeter because they are extra-ripe.

Oranges will keep for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator, but keep almost as well at room temperature with no wrapping. They yield more juice when at room temperature.

One more tip, if you put oranges in a hot oven before peeling them, no white fibers will be left on them.

So, go green! Enjoy the sweetest Valencia oranges now!


  1. Does a sidewalk in Phoenix during summer have the same effect as the oven?

  2. great column. i've gone green.
