A company is made up of people. People with likes and dislikes, quirks and interesting bits of information. Let's face it, we have some pretty colorful people around here and I thought it would be fun to share some of the various personalities at Peddler's Son Produce so you can see who's behind the produce. So, each week or so I'd like to profile one of the employees. Let's start with Dwight Wintringer, our Director of Sales. I've asked him to answer some questions that may give a little more insight into the 'inner' Dwight!
Background: Married to Leeanne and they have two daughters, Rachel and Kaitlyn. Dwight lived in Ohio until 6th grade and is a big fan of The Ohio State University football. He then moved to Chicago and later joined the Coast Guard.
Favorite Movie: Sweet Home Alabama, Rocky, The Sting, The Dark Knight (Batman)
Favorite Music: The Who, Neil Young, Harry Chapan, Neil Diamond, Stix, Zucchero
Favorite TV Character: Tony Soprano, Starsky & Hutch
Favorite Food: Italian
Favorite Quote:“In each of us, two natures are at war, the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But in our hands lies the power to choose, what we want most to be we are” Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
First Job: Tortino's in Chicago. I made sandwiches.
People/Person I'd most like to have dinner with: Escoffier, Woody Hayes
What I like to do in my leisure time: Ride motorcycles. I have a '90 Road King.
Something you may not know about me: I was invited to try out for the '84 Olympic hockey team. (Jill's note - the team that beat the very favored Russian team)
So, now you know more about Dwight. Maybe you know other things about Dwight and would like to share them with us. 'Lett'uce' know! We'd love to hear from you.
Dwight's nickname aroung the Peddler's Son warehouse is "BiGG DwiZZle".