Christmas tends to develop traditions. Things you do each year that remind you of where you came from, your values, your family. Peddler's Son Produce employees started a tradition 2 years ago to have a toy drive for ChildHelp USA. Many of our employees grew up near our warehouse and wanted to do something that remembered children as well as something that was based in our neighborhood. ChildHelp USA fit the bill.
ChildHelp is dedicated to helping victims of child abuse and neglect. Their focus is on the prevention, intervention and treatment. The toys collected are used for children as they are welcomed into the facility.
Yesterday we had our holiday celebration at the warehouse. Employees brought in their toys and homemade goodies for our potluck. It's
So, yes. Holidays bring traditions and here's to some great ones started here at Peddler's Son Produce!
We wish all our employees and customers happy holidays!