The holiday season is all about the food, so let's catch up with....
Cauliflower and Broccoli - We will still see an extremely strong demand for Cauliflower and Broccoli due to the transition. The price of Cauliflower was absolutely nuts last week and supplies are in a 'demand exceeds' situation, which doesn't happen too often but has happened this week. We will watch and see what develops.
Lettuce - The lettuce situation is still having issues but prices have started to retreat. We're told that by the end of next week, supplies will be stablewhich will also help the situation.
Row Crops - Most of the other row crops are in the same boat as lettuce, cauliflower and broccoli so we should see some relief by the end of this week.
Berries - Berries are still a problem. Supplies are slightly better, but not great. Some shippers are getting slightly more supply, but Driscoll is still cutting orders by 2/3 so it's a problem for them big time.
Citrus - On the Citrus side of things, we are transitioned over to all Navels. The first ones you will see are 88 sizes, and the rest of the sizes will follow over the next two weeks. Lemon prices are still higher on larger sizes and supplies are getting better. Limes are higher. Ruby Red Grapefruit is in and outstanding quality. Buddha Hands, Clementine's, Satsuma Mandarins, Finger limes, and Sweet Limes are all coming within the next week.
Melons - Cantaloupe supplies are extremely limited with only fair quality. Honeydew is peaking to a 5ct.
As always, please call us or your sales executive with any questions.