There are 10 definitions in dictionary.com for sustainability and probably a different definition for each individual on what it means to them. We have been hearing a lot about sustainability practices from partners and others in the community and have been working on what it means to us.
Peddler's Son Produce has made a commitment to continuously improve the community we serve through sustainable practices. Our '3 P's - People, Partner/Products and Planet' outlines this commitment. We will promote a safe and healthy atmosphere where we value and recognize our employees, source vendors that provide our customer with products that are inherently more sustainable and reduce our own ecological footprint.
One of the programs we started this year was a cardboard recycling program. Produce comes in cardboard boxes and we sell a lot of produce! So, it made sense for us to purchase a cardboard baler. Already this year, it has saved us a significant amount of costs by reducing the number of times we need to have the dumpster emptied. We have recycled over 13 bales of cardboard year-to-date. That works out to approximately a bale per 7 10 days or over 13,000 pounds of cardboard that will be reused instead of taking up space in a landfill!
It's amazing what small changes can add up to and we're excited to learn more about ways we can do to help make our community around us a better place to live.
Do you have a sustainability program? What suggestions do you have?