Thursday, August 20, 2009

New Legislation

If you have been following the legislation in Congress lately, you would have heard about the House bill that passed earlier in the month that gives the Government more power to regulate the produce business. Don’t be surprised to find out its going to cost you more for your produce.
Egg prices have already been affected as producers are hit by new costs as a result of food safety measures.
The FDA estimates that the new egg regulations will cost producers $81m annually. At around one cent per dozen, this is equivalent to a more than two percent increase in production costs.
Is the American consumer ready able and willing to have the cost of regulations passed onto them? Will this put a strain on the smaller shipper growers and force them out and create monopolies? Don’t get me wrong safety is good. I am interested in your feedback.

Friday, August 7, 2009

What is 21?

The poker game? The sum of the first six integers? (1+2+3+4+5=21) The retired number of Roberto Clemente from the Pittsburgh Pirates? The minimum legal age at which one can purchase and drink alcoholic beverages and gamble? Or the anniversary of Peddler's Son Produce?

Actually, all of the above! 21 years ago this month Ted Palmisano started Peddler's Son Produce. Ted began his business in the back of the pick-up truck. A few years later, Ted's brother, Joe joined him and now they serve over 300 restaurants, grocery stores and food related businesses. While they continue to grow into one of the most reputable produce houses in the valley, Ted and Joe are never too busy for you. You are always welcome at Peddler's Son Produce and they would love to give you a tour!
Stop by and say hello!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Peddler's Partners For Profit

I would like to thank everyone for attending our Tweet-up today. It is our hope that you found the session to be informative and valuable. As with any new project, it is the foundation that gives you a strong starting point to build from and as the group increases we will have a constructive forum for conversation and networking.

My goal is to spark creativity and a buzz amongst all of us and to further expand the horizons of our industry and break down barriers in an effort to help us grow as a community.

Our next meeting will be held at Sassi located at 10455 Pinnacle Peak Parkway, Scottsdale AZ 85255, 480-563-1518 on September 15th at 2:00pm. Please feel free to invite anyone you feel could benefit from our group and interact as a valuable participant.

Again, thank you for your support and partnership.